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Ugesi kanye ne-Electronic Assemblies

Electronic Assembly - AGS-TECH, Inc.

I-Electronic Assembly - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Electronic assembly of a medical oven

Ukuhlanganiswa kwe-elekthronikhi kuhhavini wezokwelapha

Electronic products manufacturing and assembly by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Ukukhiqiza nokuhlanganisa imikhiqizo ye-elekthronikhi yi-AGS-TECH, Inc.

Capacitive touch headphone developed and manufactured by AGS-TECH Inc.

Ikhebula le-capacitive elifakwa ekhanda eliphathwayo lakhiwe futhi lakhiqizwa yi-AGS-TECH Inc.

Development and manufacturing of capacitive touch headphone cable

Ukuthuthukiswa kanye nokukhiqizwa kwekhebula le-capacitive touch headphone

Optoelectronic PCBA

I-Optoelectronic PCBA

PCB Boards

Amabhodi we-PCB

Custom PCB assemblies by AGS-TECH

Imihlangano ye-PCB yangokwezifiso eyenziwe yi-AGS-TECH

Prototype of an optoelectronic robot with rotating and tip-tilt stage for automated tracking and recording

I-prototype yerobhothi le-optoelectronic elizungezayo nelithiphu - isiteji esitshekile sokulandelela okuzenzakalelayo nokurekhoda 

Custom manufactured and assembled transformer

I-transformer eyenziwe ngokwezifiso futhi ehlanganisiwe

Custom transformers manufactured by AGS-TECH

Ama-transformer ngokwezifiso akhiqizwa yi-AGS-TECH

Custom manufactured transformers made by AGS-TECH for a grill manufacturer

Ama-transformer enziwe ngokwezifiso enziwe i-AGS-TECH yomkhiqizi wegrill

PCBA Assemblies - Electrical Electronic

PCBA Assemblies - Electrical Electronic Assemblies

Electric Drill Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.
Eyeglass Case with Motion Detectors AGS-TECH, Inc.

I-Electric Drill Assembly eyenziwe yi-AGS-TECH Inc.

Eyeglass case with motion sensors completely manufactured and assembled by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Ikesi lengilazi yamehlo elinezitholi ezinyakazayo i-AGS-TECH, Inc.

Ikesi lengilazi yamehlo elinezinzwa ezinyakazayo elakhiwe ngokuphelele futhi lahlanganiswa yi-AGS-TECH, Inc.

AGS-TECH packages your products according to your choice and needs

I-AGS-Electronics ipakisha imikhiqizo yakho ngokuya ngokukhetha kwakho nezidingo

Alternator Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

I-Alternator Assembly nge-AGS-Electronics

Starter Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

I-Starter Assembly by AGS-Electronics

Electrical Starter by AGS-TECH Inc.

Isiqalisi sikagesi nge-AGS-Electronics

PCB and SMT Assemblies AGS-TECH Inc.

PCB kanye SMT Assemblies AGS-Electronics

Strain Gauges with Wire Leads Manufactured and Assembled by AGS-TECH Inc.

Ama-Strain Gauges anezintambo zokuhola Ezenziwe Futhi Zahlanganiswa yi-AGS-Electronics

Single and multilayer PCB boards available from AGS-TECH Inc

Amabhodi e-PCB angawodwa futhi anezingqimba eziningi atholakala kwa-AGS-Electronics

Printed Circuit Board Assemblies PCBA

I-Printed Circuit Board Assemblies PCBA

Custom PCBA manufacturing AGS-TECH, Inc.

I-PCBA eyenziwe ngokwezifiso i-AGS-Electronics

PCB board manufacturing AGS-TECH

Ibhodi le-PCB likhiqiza i-AGS-Electronics

We manufacture printed circuit board assemblies

Senza imihlangano yebhodi lesifunda ephrintiwe ngokusho komklamo wakho noma umklamo wethu ohambisana nezidingo zakho

Switchboard Assembly.jpg

I-Switchboard Assembly

Wireless Module .jpg

Wireless Module 

Multilayers Printed Circuit Board.jpg

Ibhodi Lesekhethi Ephrintiwe Yezingqimba Eziningi



Printed Circuit Board Assembly.jpg

Umhlangano Webhodi Lesifunda Ephrintiwe

About AGS-Electronics.png
I-AGS-Electronics ingumhlinzeki wakho Womhlaba Wonke Wezinto Zogesi, I-Prototyping House, Umkhiqizi Omkhulu, Umkhiqizi Ongokwezifiso, Umdidiyeli Wobunjiniyela, Umdidiyeli, Ukunikezwa Kwangaphandle Nozakwethu Wokukhiqiza Inkontileka


I-AGS-Electronics-Yumthombo wethu wokuma okukodwa we-Electronic Components, Prototypes, Sub-Assemblies, Assemblies kanye Nemikhiqizo Eqediwe -

Ucingo: (505) 565-5102 noma (505) 550-6501 , WhatsApp: (505) 550-6501,

Ifeksi: (505) 814-5778 , I-Skype: agstech1 , I-imeyili: , Web://www.ags-electronics.com_cc781905-3b5-5cf-5c5c5-3cf5-5c5 ,

Ikheli leposi lamasheke, imibhalo, amaphepha: AGS-Electronics, PO Box 4457, Albuquerque, NM 87196, USA,

Ukuhlangana nethimba lethu lezentengiso nelokuthengisa mathupha: AGS-Electronics, AMERICAS PARKWAY CENTRE, 6565 Americas Parkway NE, Suite 200, Albuquerque, NM 87110, USA. - Ungakwazi futhi ukusivakashela ezinkundleni zokuxhumana -

© 2021 by AGS-TECH, Inc., Wonke Amalungelo Agodliwe

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