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Umbane kunye ne-Electronic Assemblies

Electronic Assembly - AGS-TECH, Inc.

INdibano yoMbane - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Electronic assembly of a medical oven

Indibano ye-elektroniki ye-oven yonyango

Electronic products manufacturing and assembly by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Ukwenziwa kweemveliso zombane kunye nokudityaniswa yi-AGS-TECH, Inc.

Capacitive touch headphone developed and manufactured by AGS-TECH Inc.

Intambo ye-headphone yeCapacitive iphuhliswe kwaye yenziwa yi-AGS-TECH Inc.

Development and manufacturing of capacitive touch headphone cable

Ukuphuhliswa kunye nokuveliswa kwe-capacitive touch headphone cable

Optoelectronic PCBA

I-Optoelectronic PCBA

PCB Boards

Iibhodi zePCB

Custom PCB assemblies by AGS-TECH

Iindibano zePCB zesiko yi-AGS-TECH

Prototype of an optoelectronic robot with rotating and tip-tilt stage for automated tracking and recording

Iprototype yerobhothi ye-optoelectronic ejikelezayo kunye nencam-inqanaba lokuthambeka lokulandela umkhondo kunye nokurekhoda 

Custom manufactured and assembled transformer

Isiguquli esenziwe ngokwezifiso kwaye sidityanisiwe

Custom transformers manufactured by AGS-TECH

Iziguquli eziqhelekileyo ezenziwe yi-AGS-TECH

Custom manufactured transformers made by AGS-TECH for a grill manufacturer

Iinguqu ezenziwe ngokwezifiso ezenziwe ngu-AGS-TECH kumvelisi wegrill

PCBA Assemblies - Electrical Electronic

Iindibano zePCBA-Iindibano zoMbane zoMbane

Electric Drill Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.
Eyeglass Case with Motion Detectors AGS-TECH, Inc.

INdibano yoMbane yoMbane yi-AGS-TECH Inc.

Eyeglass case with motion sensors completely manufactured and assembled by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Ikhesi yeglasi yamehlo enezixhobo zokujonga intshukumo AGS-TECH, Inc.

Ikesi yeglasi yamehlo enezinzwa ezishukumayo zenziwa zadityaniswa yi-AGS-TECH, Inc.

AGS-TECH packages your products according to your choice and needs

AGS-Electronics packages iimveliso zakho ngokokhetho lwakho kunye neemfuno

Alternator Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

Enye iNdibano ye-AGS-Electronics

Starter Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

INdibano yokuQalisa nge-AGS-Electronics

Electrical Starter by AGS-TECH Inc.

Isiqalisi soMbane yi-AGS-Electronics

PCB and SMT Assemblies AGS-TECH Inc.

PCB kunye SMT Assemblies AGS-Electronics

Strain Gauges with Wire Leads Manufactured and Assembled by AGS-TECH Inc.

Iigeyiji zoxinzelelo ezineNkokheli zocingo Zenziwe kwaye ziDityaniswe yi-AGS-Electronics

Single and multilayer PCB boards available from AGS-TECH Inc

Iibhodi zePCB enye kunye nezininzi ezifumaneka kwi-AGS-Electronics

Printed Circuit Board Assemblies PCBA

IiNdibano zeBhodi yeSekethe eziprintiweyo PCBA

Custom PCBA manufacturing AGS-TECH, Inc.

PCBA Custom yokuvelisa AGS-Electronics

PCB board manufacturing AGS-TECH

PCB ibhodi imveliso AGS-Electronics

We manufacture printed circuit board assemblies

Senza iindibano zebhodi yesekethe eprintiweyo ngokoyilo lwakho okanye uyilo lwethu olulungiselelwe iimfuno zakho

Switchboard Assembly.jpg

INdibano yebhodi yokutshintsha

Wireless Module .jpg

Imodyuli engenazingcingo 

Multilayers Printed Circuit Board.jpg

Ibhodi yeSekethe eprintiweyo yee-Multilayers



Printed Circuit Board Assembly.jpg

INdibano yeBhodi yeSekethe eprintiweyo

About AGS-Electronics.png
I-AGS-Electronics nguMboneleli wakho weHlabathi wezobuChwepheshe, iPrototyping House, uMvelisi oMninzi, uMvelisi oSiko, uMhlanganisi wobuNjineli, uMdibaniseli, uThungelwano lwangaphandle kunye neQela leKhontrakthi yokuVelisa


AGS-Electronics- YUmthombo wethu wokumisa omnye wezinto zombane, iiPrototypes, ii-Sub-Assemblies, iiNdibano kunye neeMveliso ezigqityiweyo -

Ifowuni: (505) 565-5102 okanye (505) 550-6501 , WhatsApp: (505) 550-6501,

Ifeksi: (505) 814-5778 , Skype: agstech1 , I-imeyile: , Web://www.ags-electronics.com_cc781905-3cf5-5c5c5c5c5c5c5c5c8 ,

Idilesi yemeyile yeetshekhi, amaxwebhu, amaphepha: AGS-Electronics, PO Box 4457, Albuquerque, NM 87196, USA,

Ukudibana neqela lethu lokuthengisa kunye nentengiso kumntu: AGS-Electronics, AMERICAS PARKWAY CENTRE, 6565 Americas Parkway NE, Suite 200, Albuquerque, NM 87110, USA. -Ungasindwendwela kwimidiya yoluntu -

© 2021 by AGS-TECH, Inc.,  Onke Amalungelo Agciniwe

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