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Majelis Produk LED

LED assembly - motorcycle taillight
LED product assemblies

Majelis LED - lampu tukang motor

rakitan produk LED

AGS-TECH Inc. assembled moulded plastic components with light emitting diodes-motorcycle taillights

AGS-Electronics / AGS-TECH Inc. ngarakit komponén plastik anu didamel sareng dioda pemancar cahaya - lampu tukang motor

Motorcycle taillight incorporating light emitting diodes

Lampu tukang motor kalebet dioda pemancar cahaya

Waterproof LED power supply

catu daya LED waterproof

Power LED Light Assemblies

Majelis Lampu LED Daya

Product packaging according to customer requirements

bungkusan produk nurutkeun sarat customer

AGS-TECH offers custom packaging for your manufactured products

AGS-Electronics / AGS-TECH nawiskeun bungkusan khusus pikeun produk buatan anjeun

LED PCB Assembly

Majelis PCB LED

LED Street Lighting Manufacturing

LED Street cahaya Manufaktur

Trailing Edge Dimmable LED Driver

Trailing Tepi Dimmable LED Supir

LED PCB Assemblies

Majelis PCB LED

High Power LED Assemblies

Majelis LED Daya Tinggi 

High Power LED Driver

High Power LED Supir

About AGS-Electronics.png
AGS-Electronics nyaéta Panyadia Éléktronik Global anjeun, Prototyping House, Produser Massal, Pabrikan Adat, Integrator Téknik, Konsolidator, Outsourcing sareng Mitra Pabrikan Kontrak


AGS-Éléktronik- Ysumber hiji-eureun kami pikeun Komponén Éléktronik, Prototipe, Sub-Majelis, Majelis sareng Produk Réngsé -

Telepon: (505) 565-5102 atanapi (505) 550-6501 , WhatsApp: (505) 550-6501,

Fax: (505) 814-5778 , Skype: agstech1 , Surélék: , Wéb://www.ags-electronics.com_cc781905-5cde6bb-394-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_. ,

Alamat surat keur cék, dokumén, paperwork: AGS-Electronics, PO Box 4457, Albuquerque, NM 87196, AS,

Pikeun papanggih tim pamasaran jeung jualan urang pribadi: AGS-Electronics, AMERICAS PARKWAY CENTER, 6565 Americas Parkway NE, Suite 200, Albuquerque, NM 87110, AS. - Anjeun ogé tiasa nganjang ka kami dina média sosial -

© 2021 by AGS-TECH, Inc., Sadaya Hak Ditangtayungan

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