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Electrical and Electronic Assemblies

Electronic Assembly - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Musangano Wemagetsi - AGS-TECH, Inc.

Electronic assembly of a medical oven

Gungano remagetsi revheni yezvokurapa

Electronic products manufacturing and assembly by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Kugadzira zvigadzirwa zvemagetsi uye kusangana neAGS-TECH, Inc.

Capacitive touch headphone developed and manufactured by AGS-TECH Inc.

Capacitive touch headphone tambo yakagadziridzwa uye yakagadzirwa ne AGS-TECH Inc.

Development and manufacturing of capacitive touch headphone cable

Kuvandudza uye kugadzira kwecapacitive touch headphone tambo

Optoelectronic PCBA

Optoelectronic PCBA

PCB Boards

PCB Mabhodhi

Custom PCB assemblies by AGS-TECH

Tsika PCB magungano ne AGS-TECH

Prototype of an optoelectronic robot with rotating and tip-tilt stage for automated tracking and recording

Prototype yerobhoti reoptoelectronic rine kutenderera uye tip - tilt nhanho yekutevera otomatiki uye kurekodha 

Custom manufactured and assembled transformer

Tsika yakagadzirwa uye yakaunganidzwa transformer

Custom transformers manufactured by AGS-TECH

Tsika transformers inogadzirwa ne AGS-TECH

Custom manufactured transformers made by AGS-TECH for a grill manufacturer

Tsika dzakagadzirwa transformers dzakagadzirwa ne AGS-TECH yekugadzira grill

PCBA Assemblies - Electrical Electronic

PCBA Assemblies - Electrical Electronic Assemblies

Electric Drill Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.
Eyeglass Case with Motion Detectors AGS-TECH, Inc.

Electric Drill Assembly neAGS-TECH Inc.

Eyeglass case with motion sensors completely manufactured and assembled by AGS-TECH, Inc.

Eyeglass kesi ine mafambiro ekuona AGS-TECH, Inc.

Eyeglass kesi ine inofamba sensors yakanyatsogadzirwa uye yakaunganidzwa neAGS-TECH, Inc.

AGS-TECH packages your products according to your choice and needs

AGS-Electronics packages zvigadzirwa zvako zvinoenderana nesarudzo yako uye zvaunoda

Alternator Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

Alternator Gungano ne AGS-Electronics

Starter Assembly by AGS-TECH Inc.

Kutanga Gungano ne AGS-Electronics

Electrical Starter by AGS-TECH Inc.

Magetsi Starter ne AGS-Electronics

PCB and SMT Assemblies AGS-TECH Inc.

PCB uye SMT Assemblies AGS-Electronics

Strain Gauges with Wire Leads Manufactured and Assembled by AGS-TECH Inc.

Mageji eStrain ane Wire Leads Akagadzirwa uye Akaunganidzwa neAGS-Electronics

Single and multilayer PCB boards available from AGS-TECH Inc

Single uye multilayer PCB mabhodhi anowanikwa kubva kuAGS-Electronics

Printed Circuit Board Assemblies PCBA

Yakadhindwa Circuit Board Assemblies PCBA

Custom PCBA manufacturing AGS-TECH, Inc.

Tsika PCBA kugadzira AGS-Electronics

PCB board manufacturing AGS-TECH

PCB bhodhi kugadzira AGS-Electronics

We manufacture printed circuit board assemblies

Isu tinogadzira akadhindwa edunhu bhodhi magungano zvinoenderana nedhizaini yako kana dhizaini yedu yakanangana nezvido zvako

Switchboard Assembly.jpg

Switchboard Assembly

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Wireless Module 

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Multilayers Printed Circuit Board



Printed Circuit Board Assembly.jpg

Yakadhindwa Circuit Board Assembly

About AGS-Electronics.png
AGS-Electronics ndiwe Global Supplier of Electronics, Prototyping House, Mass Producer, Custom Manufacturer, Engineering Integrator, Consolidator, Outsourcing uye Contract Manufacturing Partner.


AGS-Electronics-Yyedu-yekumira sosi yeElectronics Zvikamu, Prototypes, Sub-Assemblies, Assemblies uye Yakapedzwa Zvigadzirwa. -

Runhare: (505) 565-5102 kana (505) 550-6501 , WhatsApp: (505) 550-6501,

Fax: (505) 814-5778 , Skype: agstech1 , Email: , Web://www.ags-electronics.com_cc781905-3bbd5-5c5c5c5-5c5c5-185-185-1 ,

Kero yetsamba yecheki, zvinyorwa, mapepa: AGS-Electronics, PO Box 4457, Albuquerque, NM 87196, USA,

Kusangana nechikwata chedu chekutengesa nekutengesa mumunhu: AGS-Electronics, AMERICAS PARKWAY CENTRE, 6565 Americas Parkway NE, Suite 200, Albuquerque, NM 87110, USA. - Unogonawo kutishanyira pasocial media -

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